To Our Special Guests

Welcome to the Real Estate Auction Podcast! We're thrilled that you have requested to be a guest on the show and can't wait for you to share your expertise with our listeners.

Here's how to get ready for your guest appearance:

  • Release: Please read and sign our Guest Interview Release form below if you haven't already done so. Please note that once you've signed the release form, you will be redirected back to this page.
  • Schedule: As soon as we receive your signed release, we will contact you to schedule your guest appearance on the show.
  • Show Time: Once you're scheduled to appear on the show, you'll receive a private link to join the show before we go live.
  • Promote (Optional): Want to boost your show's visibility? We'll provide you with a special link to easily live-stream the show on your own social media channels.
  • FAQ's: Do you still have questions? Scroll down to read the Guest Instructions and FAQ's below the release form.

Guest Instructions

How to join the live show as a guest.

We are thrilled to have you as a special guest on our show and can't wait for you to share your expertise with our listeners. The instructions below will explain how to join the live-stream and easily share it on your social media channels using Restream Pairs.

1. Once your guest appearance is scheduled, the host will provide you with a link to join the stream before the show airs. Please be ready a few minutes early

2. After you access the link, click the Allow button in the browser prompt to let Restream access your camera and microphone.

3. Enter the name you want displayed during the broadcast, and click the Join Stream button.

4. Now you're in the waiting room and connected to the host. You will be able to see what is happening in the stream preview.

5. As soon as the host is ready, they will add your feed to the stream, and you'll see yourself in the main window.

How to Live-Stream Your Interview on Your Social Media Channels. (Optional)

The instructions below will explain how you can easily live-stream your guest appearance on your social media channels using Restream Pairs.

How It Works

We live-stream our show using Restream has a special feature that allows you, as our guest, to share the event on up to three of your social media channels. The event will simultaneously live-stream to both our channels and yours, amplifying your views!

How To Add Your Channels to the Event

1. The event Host will send you an invitation link. Open this link in your browser.

2. If you don't have a Restream account, you will be asked to enter an email, but no payment is needed. It's a 100% free service to our guests. Users who already have a Restream account can log into their Restream account.

3. Once you’re logged in, you can choose up to three channels that you would like to connect to the event. For example, you can stream the event to your Facebook, X, YouTube, and LinkedIn channels. Please note that we do not recommend streaming the event on your Instagram channel at this time.

Important Note: You need to add channels before the event starts. Adding channels won’t be possible once the event goes live.


What if I’m not available to join the event live after my channels are added?

As long as your channels are connected to the event, you don’t actually have to join or participate in the event. The event host will live stream directly to your channels without requiring that you actively participate in the broadcast at all.

How do I remove my channels from live-streaming the event?

Changed your mind about pairing? No problem! Press the “Add Channels” button, then delete your channels from the event. You will do this by simply toggling off the channel to appear grey. When the event goes live, the stream will only broadcast to the event host’s social media channels.

If you see a message asking you to come back in a few days.

Guests cannot pair with events any earlier than 7 days in advance. If you received a link from the host before that time window, you'll see this message, prompting you to revisit the event 7 days before its scheduled time to be able to pair!

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please contact us.

We are thrilled to have you join us as our guest on the show.

Thank you!

Real Estate Auction Podcast